Thursday, April 5, 2007

You Can Be Fit And Healthy

We can be fit and healthy at any age! We have been brainwashed into thinking that we can't and that it's just normal to take a bunch of pills when we are older. Not true! You CAN be fit and healthy no matter what age you are. Interested in knowing how? Here are some tips:
1. Eat organic foods as much as possible. Organic is always better for your health since they are not filled with pesticides, herbicides and growth hormones.
2. Cut down on red meat; you don't have to cut it out completely, but don't eat too much of it. When you do choose to eat red meat, choose the leanest cuts.
3. Drink lots of water. Here is an easy formula to find out how much you need a day: Just divide your weight in pounds by two and drink that amount in ounces. For example, if you weight 120, drink 60 ounces; if you weigh 200, drink 100 ounces.
4. Cut down on your intake of milk. It really isn't as healthy as you think it is. When you do drink milk, make sure it is organic and not homogenized; if possible, try to get one that is not pasteurized either, though that is a tough one.
5. Exercise on a daily basis. Make exercise a priority in your life. For example, get up a half hour earlier and go for a walk or jog; walk everytime you get a chance instead of taking the car everywhere you go; go for a bike ride or play basketball with some friends.
6. Incorporate strength-training exercises twice or three times a week (don't do it two days in a row, though, because it is the best way for your muscles to rest and grow)
7. Cut down on your white sugar intake.
8. Lower your stress level. The best way to do this is by listening to some nice calming, relaxing music. Another good way to do this is by inhaling pure, essential oils.
Live healthy no matter what age you are! Don't accept health problems as just a part of life. They are not!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Fitness Program Agendas

Assalamualaikum and Good Day!!!

This is my first post in my blog. Well.. i am going to talk about fitness. Fitness is very important for all of us to have a good life. Maybe a good lifestyle. There are many popular fitness program agendas to choose from these days and pretty much something for everyone, no matter what your likes and dislikes may be. Whether you enjoy pounding the treadmills at the gym, dancing or playing squash, there is plenty of choice in healthy activities. Being fit not only improves your health but helps to make your body supple, lean and attractive. It is important to couple a fitness program with a balanced nutritional program to make your body the best it can be.
If you do like working out at the gym, modern equipment and techniques are great. If you find a good gym, you can expect computerized machines, air conditioning and a gym instructor willing to draw a program up for you after ascertaining your fitness goals. Such a program will probably start off light, especially if you have not been active for a long time, then build up repetitions or weights each week, as the routine becomes easier. You can make friends at the gym and there might be a sauna or Jacuzzi to relax in afterwards! The fact that you have a program and have goals encourages you far more than just going in and working out at random. The aim is to increase your fitness level.
Many people dislike the gym and that is no problem because there are many other types of fitness programs you can follow. An ideal fitness program will incorporate activity into your life several times a week. For example, if you decide to take up a sport such as tennis, you should aim to play several times a week (or once, if you are combining it with other sports or activities).
At least one day a week without exercise is important, to give your body a rest. It is also important not to do too much at once.
Begin with a gentle program and add more as your overall fitness increases. If you can afford a personal trainer, he can design a good program and give you encouragement but if not, it is possible to make your own program agenda. You can make a fitness program online. Look up ´fitness program´ in Google or the search engine of your choice and you can find a site on the world wide web, which asks for your vital statistics and goals, before creating something ideal for you. You can also find fitness program ideas in health magazines or health books.
Various fitness program agendas include aerobic exercise, circuit training, strength training, agility training and anaerobic exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is important to get your heart rate up. It is not possible to target one area of the body to tone with this kind of exercise, since if you are burning energy and losing weight through physical activity, weight loss should be uniform. If your aim is to lose fat, you need aerobic training. Building muscle would require strength training.
If you want to look healthy and feel healthy, a good fitness program agenda is vital.
Health, life & Love is a motivational website offering articles on health, life and love. We are dedicated to the happenings of life and how to better anyone's day to day living.

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